Friday, October 12, 2012

Archaeology Pictures

Wow, sorry i'ts taken me so long to post this. It kind of slipped my mind :}. Well, wait no longer, because here it is.

Here's the tent Lizzy was so kind to lend me. :)

 This is the view of Utah Lake from our camp site

These are some of the Pictographs we found. They were right within the perimeter of our camp. In the bottom right corner is a man with a horn headdress, and on the left you can see a hand.

This one was very interesting. You can see the figure lying down, possibly a birthing scene (note the enlarged stomach and the half circle between the legs).

These ones are quite faint, but you can make out a couple figures and several shapes. 

This is what we would call a historic inscription. This is actually the kind of information we can look up in census records. We were joking that C.A.T. means Caught A Train. ;)

The picture is actually sideways. You can see the figure with it's arms upraised. 

Here's what is probably a Shaman with feather headdress. Most likely he was on something pretty strong, lol.

Here's the horn topped figure we dubbed "The Harumpher." :)

An animal figure, the picture is actually upright. Looks kind of dead.

Hard to see, but there's a sideways figure here. He has a horn headdress and two lines flowing out from his shoulders. Likely a shaman, the squiggly lines could be power or inspiration.

We had sunrises like this everyday. I was in heaven. :)

One of the numerous burn flats we saw out there. Whole areas are just bare. Kind of sad, but at the same time amazing because this is one of nature's de-junking methods. Look at all that nutrient rich soil just waiting for new life.

There's a few of my fellow archaeologists. The guy in the blue shirt is our project leader. You can't see it, but he's wearing this awesome Indiana Jones fedora. :) Oh and that huge hill behind us, we climbed to the top. thoughts exactly.

Rattlesnakes everywhere out there. There's two in this picture, and don't worry I was really zoomed in here.

It was amazing, right behind our camp site we found this huge flake field. Flake fields are pretty much garbage heaps, their all the little chips and 'flakes' from ancient peoples making stone tools, namely arrow and spear heads. You can tell from the size and layout of the flake field that this was probably a large hunting party doing a last minute spiff up. This flake here is tiny, only about the size of a penny. But that's large in comparison to some others we found. It was amazing to look at the flake patterns. There were large clusters all around rocks, and you can look at it and say that some ancient hunter sat right in this spot who knows how long ago. We found over 200 separate flakes in this one field. Wow is all I can say.

Each flake, or cluster of flakes, was marked by a flag. The whole area soon had tons of bright orange and pink dot's all over it. :)

Okay, I love this shot. It's impossible to tell, but there's about a dozen flakes in this one frame. Crazy huh?

Well, I think that's it. I had an awesome time, and I hope to go again soon. Thanks for reading! Bye!
